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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ushering at the Lovely Roxy Theatre

Hello everybody, I hope you have been well since I saw you last, I know I have been. Any who to the point, so tonight I got to be an usher at the Roxy Regional Theatre. I take acting classes there, so when I heard they needed an usher, I jumped at the opportunity. This was first time ushering, but it went surprisingly well I suppose. I got everyone to there correct seats, except for once, when there was a misunderstanding about the date a ticket was good for, and that seat being double booked. Other than that it went quite well. Well there was that crazy lady that thought we were lying about who was in the play. The owner talked to her and told her the people on stage were in fact the ones in the playlet. When the lady walked away, I started laughing and the owner says he hates working  with the crazy ones. He had the funniest expression on his face. That's it for now, I just wanted to update you on my whereabouts. Until next time my friends, off out.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Post Valentines Valentine?

I hope everyone had a very happy Valentines Day. On Friday I texted everyone I knew, near or far, to have a Happy Valentines Day  and I hoped they enjoyed it, including my crush. This was a big feat for me considering I am the shyest person until I warm up to you. I was on my way to school while I did all this. A little while later my crush texted back saying that he wouldn't be in school that day because he had Strep Throat, but he had a card for me to give on Monday. That literally made me ecstatic for the rest of the day. Today I received the card, which made me laugh for 10 minutes in class, with him looking at me the whole time. I gave him some chocolates with his favorite celebrity on them, which made him almost cry, it was sweet. If you want to see what he gave me, the pic will be below. I hope your week started out as well as mine. Until I write again off out!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentines Day!!!

Hello everybody! I am glad to be back for the few of you who actually read this. How have you been, good? Me too. Anywho, the topic today is Valentines. Now I know lots of us, including me, don't have a valentines this year, or any for that matter. I wanted to tell you that just because you don't have a valentines, doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you, it means there is something wrong with the people around you. You don't need a valentines, but it is nice to know somebody cares for you, am I right? If the people around you don't see your beauty, then they weren't meant to. Someone else will come along, sweep you off your feet, and be your Valentine every year. Doesn't that sound nice? So just remember that in the next couple of days. Your Valentine is out there somewhere. Go find them. Have a great Valentines and always know that your are never alone love.

Monday, February 3, 2014

New Video

So, I have finally uploaded another video to my Youtube channel, which is again JipsterHipster. This one is about some annoying things that happen to me during school. I thought I might share them and see how many other people feel the same way. So I hope you will watch it, and please give me any feedback. All is welcome.

Link to video:

Or watch it here: